Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Bad Blogger

Upon silent reflection I have come to the realization that I have become a bad blogger. And it's no one's fault but my own. I have been keeping up with everyone else's blogs though.

Things have been going really well lately though. The Avon business I started basically just to get myself some facial creams at a discount is officially making me more money than my day job. And no one is more shocked than I am. I win all kinds of free stuff like costume jewelry at the sales meetings and I wear it, and people will literally buy it off my body if I will let them. I'm going to be an entry in the Avon Fashion Show for my district next month, and I will be hosting my own little Holiday Soiree in November.

I'm also really looking forward to the release of the new Christian Lacroix fragrance through Avon. It smells divine, and of course I'll be getting mine for free.

I have been really impressed with how Avon has been getting some heavy-hitter designers working with them. It makes the products so much easier to sell. The Cynthia Rowley collection of makeup and accessories has sold like hotcakes. the Kenneth Jay Lane jewelry always sells good and I'm sure this new fragrance is going to do very well.

So basically just by happenstance and a little sweat equity, I have doubled my income in the last 3 months. And as my income level has risen, my posting numbers on my blog have plummeted. Partially due to limited time, partially because it seems like all I have to talk about lately is work, my daughter's school and Avon. How interesting, huh?

I even tried starting my little segments like Tuesday's Twins and drink of the week. But I never seem to find time to put together my posts. I thought having a set subject matter and deadline would make posting a sure thing but no dice.

Another aspect of the problem is the fact that while Bravo's programming of late has been fun to watch, none have inspired me to put pen to paper like Project Runway. I miss my show, and I could just cry that we have to wait so long between seasons. At least I have the previous seasons on DVD to keep me company.


Vic said...

Well, I enjoy your visits to my blog, but I do miss your posts. It's nice to know things are working out well for you. Avon can be good business! You will probably make a killing between Halloween and Christmas! Don't forget to hit up the men; especially after December 20th when they're in panic mode.

You have an excuse for not posting: I imagine a child will keep you pretty busy. Keep up the good work! I am so happy for your success.

Marius said...

I'm glad to hear that things are going well. I wish you continued success. And I agree with Ms. Place; you have an excuse for not posting. However, we love reading your posts! So . . . post as often as you can. No pressure. lol. I'm just sayin'. :)

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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BobieRabo said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

It is used for treating skin texture by improving the thickness of the skin epidermis and circulation.

Anonymous said...

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Circutrine Male Enhancement said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Testo Vital docs advocate the sort and Testo Vital dose in line with the affected person's age and deficiency stage. The therapy will improve lifestyles first-rate and enhance widespread frame responses.Testosterone deficiency also can arise in ladies. It happens normally 2 to 3 Testo Vital years earlier than the menopause. The signs and symptoms include loss of sex preference in the first location. This decline can be a end result of practical and bodily sickness of ovaries. They require nourishment of required testosterone through dietary intake and dietary supplements. Chemotherapy can turn out to be a root cause to this deficiency. For more ==== >>>>>>

Unknown said...

It energizes and rejuvenates your reproductive organs. Tengenix It boosts staying power and electricity to remaining longer in bed. It rejuvenates cells and muscle groups. It improves functioning of your heart and cures preferred weak spot. It reverses ageing consequences and boosts immunity. therefore, regular consumption of ES tablets is one of the excellent natural approaches to enhance male power. Key substances in Shilajit ES pills are. For more ==== >>>>>>

Unknown said...

His brand new project is Juggernox for the advanced builder that wishes to head past their genetic potential and reach new located stages of muscle constructing. This software is the solution for those who have skilled plateaus with all the different programs inside the past.Maximize Your Muscle is basically built on 12 anabolic goals which might be the keys to regular and unfounded muscle growth. Vince suggests you a way to take advantage of and maximize every of those targets like in no way earlier than.
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Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

After diet comes right frame physical T Volve activities. As we know exercising is critical for normal body health however for muscle building it has very important position. you could also join body education golf equipment to learn distinctive muscle exercises. commonly for muscle building, compound sporting activities are endorsed meaning combining two or extra types of muscle workout routines on the equal time. For more ==== >>>>>>

Unknown said...

Your pinnacle three sporting activities could Xtreme Fit 360 be a squat, deadlift and bench press. those sports are typically considered the inspiration of a a hit bodybuilder's software and there are desirable reasons for this. not best do they growth bulk and strength, however they increase ordinary conditioning. continually try to encompass these physical games in a few shape for your workout.For more ==== >>>>>>

Anonymous said...

With the intention to correctly benefit Max Gain Xplode muscle, it is important to have a strategy, and a plan to execute that method. there are numerous assets that you can make use of to determine which electricity-education sporting events your plan will comprise. You must also set a agenda that is easy to observe, and will not crush you. go over your plan with a expert instructor to make certain that it is able to fulfill your desires.For more ==== >>>>>>

Circutrine Male Enhancement said...

The primary element you want to do is to Alpha Force Testo take a near study your diet. Even in case you exercising faithfully every day, it is going to be hard to build muscle in case your weight loss plan isn't always so as. retaining a meals diary may be a very enlightening enjoy. you can should scrutinize what you're consuming and this may display you wherein the changes want to be made. For more ==== >>>>>>

guyjowan said...

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Unknown said...

Adrenaline is created by the adrenal glands and may be a hormone that increases heart rate, respiration rate, and blood pressure, basically dashing up Phendora Garcinia conventional functions of the body. A rise in adrenaline will speed up the metabolism and cause a rise in fat burning. These effects will solely last for a brief time though. See more: