Monday, February 12, 2007

Feminazis go away!

I got in trouble this weekend. No big surprise huh? I was cashing out at a bar that is a favorite hangout of mine on the weekends Friday night. It was taking a while. I am friends with the staff. I got a little impatient, and in my drunken state, I yelled (just as it got quiet, incidentally) "Who has to get a blow job so I can pay my tab and get the hell out of here??" and a lady shot me a nasty look and sniffed that it was sluts like me that gave women a bad name.

Well excuse the hell out of me. Now normally I would have just laughed at her and found my ride and left. But not this time. She could have called me a slut 2 years ago and I would have brushed it off. But I am in a monogamous relationship, I have NEVER cheated on a boyfriend, fiance or husband in my life, and if anyone in my house is getting any at the moment, I sure as hell don't know about it and I'm sure to be pissed when I find out.

So I asked this woman what her problem is and why she had to be such a bitch etc... She said that "people like me" offended her. I assume she meant women who had gotten some since the new millenium rang in.

So being the curious imp I am, I asked her if she could enlighten me as to what kind of person I am, since she has known me all of half a second. And here is what she said....

She said that I am the type of woman who has no respect for myself and through my actions and words command no respect for myself. Furthermore, that my actions and words set the women around me back, making us all look like sluts depending on men to get them through life.

I basically said it sounded like bitter lemons and that I hoped she got laid before that chip on her shoulder got ay bigger.

At that point my girlfriends caught on to what was going on and I let them all rip her a few new holes. I was busy paying my tab and looking for my ride.

But Saturday while I was conversing with my girlfriends about that crazy bitch in the bar, it got to me a little more than it should. I am so sick of people that are dissatisfied with their lives taking it out on everyone else. It especially makes me sick when women do it and wrap it in the cloak of Feminism.

I think Feminism in its purest form is a good thing. Women and Men should have equal rights and social responsibilities. Good theory and I couldn't agree more. But to say that women (like me in the bar) should have a higer social responsibility (like not saying "blow job" in public I guess) just because it might make the other women look bad is bullshit. Even if I was the biggest whore in the world, how does what I do affect the Nancy Reagan wannabe next to me?

Grouping women into one massive group is stupid. It is stereotyping and completely invalid.

Why can't we all celebrate all of our differences, strengths, and even weaknesses?

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