Thursday, December 28, 2006

First post in a while

I'm one of those people that when I go eerily quiet, something is wrong. Well, for those of you actually reading, no doubt you have noticed how quiet it has been on this page lately...

There is a reason. Apart from all of the Christmas mayhem, I have had some pretty bad news. I have skin cancer. I discovered a melanoma on my left thigh. I don't know the full story yet, but it has been pretty tense around here.

So please bear with me. I still have to get around this news and get my sense of humor back in order, and then the posts will return, cross my heart.


Vic said...

I've been worried, Jinxy. You not only disappeared on my blog, but a few others as well.

I've had so many friends who survived skin cancer (my sister in law, for one), so hang in there.

I know what you're going through. I waited for a week before a biopsy on a breast lump came back negative.

You do the best you can and conserve your energy. Your little girl needs you most! Good luck, and have a special, healthy New Year.

jinxy said...

Tahnk you so much for the well wishes. They are appreciated...