Thursday, April 19, 2007

New Schedule

Some of you know I work at Aflac's Worldwide headquarters. Anyway, they are starting a new initiative where they put in new shifts to better serve their customers (and keep their employees even happier) allowing us to work different shifts. I applied for one of these coveted positions, and lo and behold, I was given the shift of Mon-Wed 6am-7pm with an hour for lunch. I really couldn't be more thrilled.
The prospect of having Thurs-Sun off work is making me a happy bunny indeed. They are even going to give me a shift differential so my pay doesn't dip, despite me working 4 hours less every week. I'm not complaining.
A few of my co-workers have questioned whether I will be able to handle 12 hours of accounting per day, 3 days a week. Well, I already work 12-hour days during tax season when our payroll accounts are getting their accounts with us settled up and correcting mistakes discovered through end-of-the-year audits. And I have to do it 5 times a week then. So yes, I can handle it.
I'm looking forward to spending more time with my ever-growing daughter, and of course, remodeling my new house which happens to be getting more and more fabulous on a daily basis...

As to why I have not been blogging daily as a good girl should, I have been playing auntie to my best friend's baby which was recently born. She is a doll!!!


Vic said...

Congratulations, Jinxy! And yes, you can handle it!

I spent 10 days with my 3 year old niece and 10 month old nephew. Whew. Such energy and such fun.

You can handle it all! Looking forward to seeing how your schedulue works out.

jinxy said...

Welcome back!! I will have pics to post of the progress on the house on Wednesday.

I need to start blogging more regularly again. Maybe now that you are back you can be my good example.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.