Friday, March 30, 2007

The bees are going down!!

My uncle owns and runs an exterminating business. We have 3 generations of exterminators in my family. So why is it that the house my parents have owned for 15 years is OVERRUN with carpenter bees?

If you look up Carpenter Bees in Wikipedia, the website will tell you they are solitary bees, usually living on their own. LIES! We have a metropolitan colony living in the eaves of my parents' roof. They do not sting you, but they are big and loud. And they aren't shy.

Dad used to sit out on the porch playing "bee-minton" swatting them with badminton rackets. I have to admit he was a pretty good shot, but the problem is, dear father, that the bees don't care. They will still move in.

So tomorrow my uncle had donated a truck and some chemical to my cause. We are going to spray the eaves of the house with something that will GET RID OF the bees. What a novel concept, huh? It will also keep the wasps from nesting in the roof. 2 birds with 1 stone, my kind of solution.

The downside is that female carpenter bees will actually attack you if they feel their nest is being threatened, and we have a good few nests to erradicate. So, how to get rid of the bees without getting stung? Well, my friends, I have the perfect solution. I am going to withold that last little tidbit of info from my fiance and let HIM spray the eaves while I am safely enclosed in the house behind screens, windows and doors. Let no one say I have no sense of self-preservation.

Hopefully by Monday Carpenter Bees will be a thing of the past for my future home. Looks like dad will have to find a new hobby. He really has no problem with finding new hobbies, trust me.

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