Thursday, March 29, 2007

Something Bugging me

Okay, so we all know Bravo edits its reality shows to within an inch of their very existence, so why, oh why, can they not edit out all the fat girl jokes we have been hearing on Top Design this season? Call me sensitive if you will, but there have only been a couple of episodes where someone has not made a thinly veiled fat girl joke aimed at Carisa. It makes me feel bad for her, and she isn't really a person I would probably get along with (if the Bravo TV edited version of her personality is anything to go by.)

But seriously? Is their next reality tv show going to be about who can lose the most weight via anorexia or bulemia? Because through their editing they are really letting out a lot of snipery towards the big girls in this world.

Being a big girl myself, I am proud of my body and I don't let fat girl jokes get to me in a personal way. However, I just wonder why everyone wonders why public figures are starving themselves within an inch of their life, but then laughs along with the fat girl jokes made later.

You can't laugh at fat girl jokes and turn around and slap anorexic girls on the wrist and tell them to eat something. It's hypocritical. I agree that there is a healthy medium, but instead of being judgemental of too-fat and too-thin girls, how about we praise healthy looking-women? I'm one to tell you that a fat girl joke never made me put down a donut. I'm pretty sure harsh criticism never made an anorexic girl want to eat. How about we all stop being so damn judgemental and start trying to help each other feel better about ourselves???

So Margaret Russell, the next time you read an article about a too-thin celebrity, please remember your "big banquette" remark about Carisa and hang your head in shame.

And as for you Michael, just pray to whatever higher power you believe in that all the fat currently stored in your head doesn't migrate south, lest you be the object of all those fat girl jokes you love so much to tell behind Carisa's back.

I'm just sayin'...


Vic said...

Right on, girlfriend. This post rocks. I am sick and tired of people ragging on women for being too thin (Lindsey Lohan last year) and putting on pounds (Lindsey Lohan out of rehab.)Same with Britney.

Women cannot win for trying.

Linda Merrill said...

This is a great post, Jinxy! Well said. Fat jokes are always to go to insult for small minded people. That said, I don't recall Margaret making a comment like that and it surprises me that she did. Was it on the show? I just re-read her blog post and there was nothing like that there. I just watched the judging segment and Margaret says her banquette just "a little big bit. I mean it was just endless". [laughter...]

I don't see this as a fat joke. I think it was simply a banquette joke. It was too big for the space, it did feel endless. I really do think that is all Margaret was saying. Was there some other comment I missed?

That said - I missed the stretch pants comment when that show aired. So, maybe I missed it.

jinxy said...

I was being more than a little sarcastic in Margaret Russell's case, but Michael Adams is a prick. Let us all pray he grows out of it, as doubtful as that seems.