Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Smartie Pants

I made a wonderful discovery 2 weeks ago. I have a 4 year old that can add. We were just going down the road and we passed a 55MPH sign. Out of nowhere my four-year-old tells me with conviction "Mommy 5 and 5 are 10." I was a little surprised. I asked her how she learned to add, and she just huffed in that cute little way that she does and said (with total disdain to my ignorance.) "Mommy, it's really simple. All you do is hold up 5 fingers on both hands and count all the fingers. DUH."

Well, color me surprised. (I'm pretty used to her sass... she learned it from me)

But my little girl can add. As long as the numbers she needs to add are less than the number of fingers she has on her hands. I asked her how many 7 plus 7 was, and she stared at me and said "I can't add 7 and 7 mommy because I only have 5 fingers." Oh. Stupid me.

But she is getting there. This week I started teaching her the concept of subtraction. She is catching on really quickly. Her strengths are definitely math and art. Just like me, only better at them than I was at her age.

1 comment:

Marius said...

Aww, it's such a joy to watch a child grow and learn. They're like little sponges. A little sass, when used judiciously, can get you places.