Wednesday, August 08, 2007

First day of school

Today is Katie's first day of Kindergarten. I'm so glad this day got here. Everyone kept saying I would get wistful and cry, but those people obviously don't know me and Katie. Katie likes going to school and I like sending her. We had already been doing the daycare Pre-K thing, so we have the routine pretty down.

The good thing is my mother is a teacher's assistant at the school Katie is going to, and will actually be in the room next door to Katie. So if Katie starts taking over the class she will have to deal with my mother, which really offers little consolation since my mother has probably told that child no like 3 times in her entire life.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very glad I have a strong-willed daughter. I don't have much patience for overly sensitive females. It's just that when you have a strong-willed child you have to worry anytime they are given a new authority figure. But I have known her teacher for a while. She survived a pretty nasty divorce last year and I'm hoping that experience prepared her for dealing with my angel.

Another good thing is that because of a class rotating system, this will be her teacher for 2 years. So we won't have to go through this breaking-in period every year.

But best of all, now I can REALLY enjoy my 3-day work week. Tomorrow, on my first day off, I can get up and take Katie to school, and then, I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT. I probably won't know how to act. I will have 2 days every week (Thurs & Fri) that from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm (she is also enrolled in the afterschool program) I am officially a free woman.

I think tomorrow I will treat myself to a day at a spa and have cocktails while a mousy little woman applies a facial mask and a hunky massage therapist works out all the kinks.


Vic said...

You deserve to pamper yourself given your schedule this summer. I hope you enjoy the quiet!

Linda Merrill said...

I hope you're enjoying your day!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your free time and your sweet and strong-willed girl. The first day of real school strikes moms in some strange ways, so I am glad you are joyful for a new horizon for you and your daughter!